
People I like | Kathy Acker


Kathy Acker


I write it to get it out of me. I don't write it to remember it.


Writing is what I did when I was alone with no one watching me or telling me what to do. I could do whatever I wanted.


Once more we need to see what writing is. We need to step away from all the business. We need to step to the personal. This is what I mean by flight. Business has become too heavy, too dominant. We need to remember friends, that we write deeply out of friendship, that we write to friends. We need to regain some of the energy, as writers and as readers, that people have on the Internet when for the first time they e-mail, when they discover that they can write anything, even to a stranger, even the most personal on matters. What they discover that strangers can communicate to each other.

Precised notes

  • Born: 18 April1947
    Birthplace: New York City
    Died: 30 November 1997 (breast cancer)
  • Icon: Radical post-feminist and post-punk author, bisexual, Jewish, literary terrorist
  • Biographical: Formerly a stripper, Acker supported pornography and hated Andrea Dworkin. After a 1996 diagnosis with breast cancer, Acker received a double mastectomy but refused chemotherapy. She died at an alternative cancer clinic in Tijuana.
  • Interviewed by Ellen G. Friedman
  • Job: Writer - she combined plagiarism, cut-up techniques, pornography, autobiography, persona, and personal essay to subvert expectations of fiction, acknowledged language's 'performance value', drew attention to the instability of female identity in male narrative and literary history (Don Quixote), created parallels between characters and autobiographical personas, got rid of pronouns and upset conventional syntax, transgressive, violent
  • Books: Many
  • Resistance: I like her fuck-youness, and of course her anti-linear radical writing

Source: NNDB and Wikipedia
Source pic: Ylioppilaslehti


{Tanya Pretorius' Bookmarks: Me, People I like, Kathy Acker}


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